DLM # 82 The Dancer Gives No-Fear

Dancing and making personal choices about which energies to cultivate in ourselves are activities that go hand in hand. See what you make of it.

DLM # 80 We Are saying Thank You, Dark Though It Is

As we shift gears and enter the autumn and wintertime of the year, I find I’m shifting gears with the music, too. Feels good to listen to slow music and just groove to it while cooking and folding the laundry. Walks in the woods or a quiet park in the morning with our music sounds nice, too. It’s time to cultivate yin energies so we can all cool it all down a bit already, slow down and listen more, to our friends, and even to our ideological “enemies.” Peace comes from within, not from events outside of us.

DLM # 74 Where Consumerism and Liberation Converge In Meaning

I’m convinced that if we reduce our consumption we can turn the ship around. It takes disicipline and awareness, though, and you can’t really have either of those when you’re operating from the sphere of unexamined ego desires. This is why evolving is a kind of work—it takes consistent effort.

Let’s see what we can do this week, eh?

Big love.

DLM # 73 Liberty Is A Personal Choice

Offered with love, a heavy-duty, life versus death sermon. Which are you inadvertently choosing? Listen and find out.

The music for today is the first digital mixtape I ever made. My friend, Chris Lam, was showing me how to create a playlist on iTunes and burn it to a CD. These were the songs I picked for it. It has stood the test of time for it was made in 2005. I listened to it the other day in the car and had a lot of fun.

DLM # 72 The Crossroads Of Liberty And Enslavement

Hope you and yours are well. The world is growing more serious by the day and our involvement in it—the way we behave, the things we say and do and think—has rarely been more crucial.

We are responsible for all of it, not the politicians, not those we disagree with.

DLM # 69 Travel Beyond The Kiddie Pool of Consciousness

A free-style sermon today in honor of jazz musician, Wynton Marsalis.

Please remember, folks, that if you want to save the world you have to first rescue your own consciousness from the ideological propaganda systems that control it. Both sides are doing this to us so moving beyond binary systems has to do with more than just gender identity politics. It has to do with the politics of power in general.

I’m linking to this amazing interview with Marsalis from Friday night, you must see it. He talks about things in ways no one else is doing—profound, heavy-duty, grade-A truth.

For music this week, I only have one song because I want to encourage you to listen to Marsalis’ new album, The Ever Fonky Lowdown.

DLM # 49 Disco Resurrection (or Baptism by Disco)

It’s so easy when you know how. Just let go and dance. Don’t think, don’t talk, don’t worry—just dance. It’ll change your frequency, and then, from that more refined energetic frequency, you can be more useful to your own life and to the life of the world. This is what rebirth means.

DLM Sermon # 37 Make Peace Not war

I think perhaps most people regard creativity as a process reserved only for artists. But actually, we are all creating things all day long with our thoughts and attitudes. This is why being peaceful is a creative act, one that, like every other creative act, begins somewhere and then grows and grows.

This is why this week I talk about making peace as a creative act.

A lot of amazing good music (shout out to Ted for supplying the first song on the mix!) this week, so close your eyes (and your mouth!) and dance.