DLM # 150 Mindfullness or Singlemindedness?

It’s an important question we don’t ask ourselves enough. Should we be full of mind or should we be focused?

The external world is unreliable, it will not avail us, especially when we are using an untrained monkey mind to interact with it. Training is the only answer, the only pathway to liberation which begins within, inside our own minds, the scariest and most dogmatic place of all!

DLM # 148 Slowness and Consciousness

I hope you enjoy today’s sermon. In honor of its theme, we’re listening to Manuel Göttsching’s E2E4—an hour-long song that gives new meaning to slowing down.

DLM # 131 The Affirmative Hero 👑

As always, keen discernment is a golden key that can unlock many doors.

DLM # 129 A Coronation Event 👑

A halo of light encircling a radiant object.

DLM # 121 The Relgious Life

How can we rescue ourselves from indoctrinated ideas that limit our ability to be in direct communion with the divine?

DLM # 120 Growing Up Strong Like A tree

We’re often blown off course when we see the success and wealth of others and start to feel bad about ourselves. But for those seeking wisdom, the slow maturation process of a tree is a better image to emulate.

DLM # 118 Tom Brady, Archetype of Success

A little ditty on the kinds of psychological parameters that give rise to feelings of fulfillment and success in life. The word “success” has been hijacked by the greedy capitalist imagination but in my view, true success is about self-mastery.

****Also, the “Let’s f**cking go” sign-off on today’s sermon is referencing Tom Brady’s oft-repeated call to action.

A recycled music mix from the early days of my mixes, apologies, I’m juggling a lot right now but will have a new mix next week.

DLM # 117 Artemis, Apollo, and the Dance of Oracular Healing

The 2021 Fates & Graces Mythologium was held this weekend and I presented a new paper about the archetypal significance of the pair being twins, among other things.

Ever since Nietzsche wrote The Birth of Tragedy, people have been laying their grievances about the patriarchy and its over-emphasis on rational thought at Apollo’s feet. But to me, Apollo cannot be separated from the imaginal attributes surrounding his myth. In my view, it is really Aristotle we should be complaining about.

Anyway, I turned my conference presentation into a Youtube video which is now moonlighting as this week’s sermon. The work is certainly preachy at times so I think it qualifies as a religious sermon.

This week’s music mix is also recycled because I have been listening to it nonstop since last week. I realized that I’ve had Artemis and Apollo on the brain for a while now and last week’s mix is really about the two of them. See if you can identify which songs invoke Artemis and which Apollo. There’s an epic one that’s really about both of them.

DLM # 116 The Sacred Ecstatic

This week’s verbal sermon is short but packs a serious punch. I had to listen to it myself several times, and each time I was transported. The music, too, is powerful and there are many gods and goddesses in there, inviting us to leave silliness behind and enter into true profundity. There is nothing like mythopoetic language and powerful music to transport us directly into connection with the divine.

DLM # 115 Personal v. Transpersonal

I have discovered recently that people other than those I have reached out to personally have discovered my sermons and have been listening to them every week, so, for those who are interested or have the need, I wanted to announce that I now offer mentoring services: https://luminositymentoring.com/

Enjoy the week and do your best to stay conscious. xo

DLM # 82 The Dancer Gives No-Fear

Dancing and making personal choices about which energies to cultivate in ourselves are activities that go hand in hand. See what you make of it.

DLM # 81 Not Wasting Our Wounds

Plumbing the depths of our wounds can teach us a great deal about who we are and until we better understand who we are we can keep making blunders that hurt ourselves and others. Hence the logic of looking into this matter.

DLM # 80 We Are saying Thank You, Dark Though It Is

As we shift gears and enter the autumn and wintertime of the year, I find I’m shifting gears with the music, too. Feels good to listen to slow music and just groove to it while cooking and folding the laundry. Walks in the woods or a quiet park in the morning with our music sounds nice, too. It’s time to cultivate yin energies so we can all cool it all down a bit already, slow down and listen more, to our friends, and even to our ideological “enemies.” Peace comes from within, not from events outside of us.