DLM # 118 Tom Brady, Archetype of Success

A little ditty on the kinds of psychological parameters that give rise to feelings of fulfillment and success in life. The word “success” has been hijacked by the greedy capitalist imagination but in my view, true success is about self-mastery.

****Also, the “Let’s f**cking go” sign-off on today’s sermon is referencing Tom Brady’s oft-repeated call to action.

A recycled music mix from the early days of my mixes, apologies, I’m juggling a lot right now but will have a new mix next week.

DLM # 74 Where Consumerism and Liberation Converge In Meaning

I’m convinced that if we reduce our consumption we can turn the ship around. It takes disicipline and awareness, though, and you can’t really have either of those when you’re operating from the sphere of unexamined ego desires. This is why evolving is a kind of work—it takes consistent effort.

Let’s see what we can do this week, eh?

Big love.