DLM # 150 Mindfullness or Singlemindedness?

It’s an important question we don’t ask ourselves enough. Should we be full of mind or should we be focused?

The external world is unreliable, it will not avail us, especially when we are using an untrained monkey mind to interact with it. Training is the only answer, the only pathway to liberation which begins within, inside our own minds, the scariest and most dogmatic place of all!

DLM # 82 The Dancer Gives No-Fear

Dancing and making personal choices about which energies to cultivate in ourselves are activities that go hand in hand. See what you make of it.

DLM # 81 Not Wasting Our Wounds

Plumbing the depths of our wounds can teach us a great deal about who we are and until we better understand who we are we can keep making blunders that hurt ourselves and others. Hence the logic of looking into this matter.

DLM # 80 We Are saying Thank You, Dark Though It Is

As we shift gears and enter the autumn and wintertime of the year, I find I’m shifting gears with the music, too. Feels good to listen to slow music and just groove to it while cooking and folding the laundry. Walks in the woods or a quiet park in the morning with our music sounds nice, too. It’s time to cultivate yin energies so we can all cool it all down a bit already, slow down and listen more, to our friends, and even to our ideological “enemies.” Peace comes from within, not from events outside of us.

DLM # 74 Where Consumerism and Liberation Converge In Meaning

I’m convinced that if we reduce our consumption we can turn the ship around. It takes disicipline and awareness, though, and you can’t really have either of those when you’re operating from the sphere of unexamined ego desires. This is why evolving is a kind of work—it takes consistent effort.

Let’s see what we can do this week, eh?

Big love.