DLM # 159 The Sovereign Psyche (Or Why Texting Sucks)

Here is a video that clearly shows why we are dying, psychologically. Why our souls are dying even as we make sure to take down all other living beings with us. If I waggle my finger in everyone’s face this week, it’s because our babyish ways are irresponsible, we need to grow up, stat.

For this week’s music, I’ve decided to start offering musical assignments. Please download Beethoven’s final symphony onto your phone, then go out into the woods with headphones, or or the desert, or the river, somewhere away from humans and the digital world. While you listen to the symphony, collect leaves, rocks, twigs, whatever winks at you, and then build a mandala on the ground. Make a square, then put a circle in the middle of it. Then embellish and decorate it in any way you like. Say a prayer for the soul of the world, the anima mundi. This process will take a bit over an hour. Then make a pact that you will do something beautiful and non-digital like this every week come hell or high water. Don’t take a picture of your mandala. Don’t upload it to social media or text it to anyone. Let it be a secret ritual of between you and the cosmos, mixed together in silent and loving solitude.

DLM # 73 Liberty Is A Personal Choice

Offered with love, a heavy-duty, life versus death sermon. Which are you inadvertently choosing? Listen and find out.

The music for today is the first digital mixtape I ever made. My friend, Chris Lam, was showing me how to create a playlist on iTunes and burn it to a CD. These were the songs I picked for it. It has stood the test of time for it was made in 2005. I listened to it the other day in the car and had a lot of fun.